Saturday, November 26, 2016

Why Drink Protein Shakes?

Most know the benefits of eating protein for a well balanced diet. However, there are added benefits to incorporating protein into a post-workout snack. and shared some interested tips and facts on these benefits. 

--> Because solid food takes more time to digest, break down, and send protein to the muscles, it can be best to take a protein share immediately following a workout, since protein shakes only take about 30 minutes to reach the muscles after ingestion.

--> Protein generates the biochemical substances needed for cardiovascular function and muscle contraction, growth, and healing.

--> Protein powder is an isolated nutrient source, so it provides a lot of nutrient for relatively few calories.

--> The International Society of Sports Nutrition published an article stating that having protein shortly after a workout is associated with fewer medical visits, decreased muscular soreness and better immune response to infections.

Try our Proti-15 protein powder packets. They are great mixed with smoothies, plain yogurt, juice and more. Try some today and find your favorite recipe!

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Christmas Gifts for Fitness Friends

Here's where to buy:

Festive Holiday Snacks

You all know how much we LOVE healthy snacks for the holidays. Whether it's for the kids, a work party, or a friend's house, try some of the cute and easy swaps. Ditch the brownies and try chocolate dipped apples and ditch the chips for veggies!